Agreement to bring forward Otterpool Park
4 December 2024
26 April 2019
Two exhibitions will take place in May to inform the public about proposed plans for Otterpool Park.
The drop-in events have been organised following an outline planning application for 8,500 homes at Otterpool Park that was submitted to Folkestone and Hythe District Council earlier this year.
They provide the opportunity to find out more about the development and what is contained in the planning applications. Team members from the Otterpool Park project and consultants working on the project will be on hand to discuss and answer questions
The public exhibitions will take place in May at the following times and locations. Attendees can drop in anytime during the session and do not need to book.
Andy Jarrett, spokesperson for Otterpool Park, said:
“We hope to give local residents, businesses and other interested parties a deeper understanding about the benefits that the Garden Town could bring to the district.
“Otterpool Park is in a highly connected location and has a beautiful countryside setting. As a Garden Town, more than half of the development would be made up of attractive green spaces and our plans incorporate high quality, thoughtfully designed homes, as well as all the community facilities and infrastructure needed. Vitally, if approved, it will bring around 9,000 jobs to the area over 30 years. It is an attractive and sustainable solution to local housing needs and we would encourage anybody interested in the development to come along.”
While the events give a chance to discuss and ask questions, formal comments on the planning application should be shared with Folkestone & Hythe District Council’s local planning authority via the website The deadline to comment is 27 May 2019 and the application reference number is Y19/0257/FH.
The proposed development is part of the government’s garden communities programme which aims to deliver 200,000 properties by 2050. Otterpool Park’s Garden Town status means that it will be characterised by its high-quality housing, integrated with large amounts of green space, community facilities and a distinct creative identity. It has already attracted funding from Homes England and the Ministry for Homes, Communities and Local Government.
4 December 2024
3 December 2024
22 November 2024
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